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LPLC's complaints management policy

If you make a complaint to us we will:

  • make every reasonable effort to resolve it to the satisfaction of everyone involved
  • treat you with courtesy and respect
  • provide you with clear information about our complaints process and reasons for our decision
  • protect your privacy.

Anyone who has been affected by a decision or action (including a failure to make a decision or take action) of the LPLC can make a complaint. You do not have to be insured by us to make a complaint.

A good place to start is to speak to the person you have been dealing with at LPLC. They may be able to provide you with information that could resolve your concern straight away.

There are a number of ways to make a complaint:

  • download, complete and submit the LPLC feedback form below
  • email us at [email protected]
  • call us on (03) 9672 3800
  • send a letter addressed to the relevant staff member or alternatively the Feedback Officer at LPLC, Level 19, 140 William Street Melbourne VIC 3000

Contact us if you if you need assistance in making a complaint. We will help you.

LPLC feedback form.pdf

(PDF, 44.70 KB)
Download LPLC feedback form.pdf

Written confirmation that we have received your complaint will be provided within five business days.

If a complaint can be resolved quickly and informally by LPLC’s Complaints Officer we will do so within 10 working days.

If it is not possible to resolve the matter in this way, we will explain:

  • who will deal with the complaint and investigate it
  • what will happen while the complaint is being investigated
  • what will happen next, such as when you are likely to be contacted again.

We aim to complete our investigation of complaints and provide a written response to you within 30 days, with reasons for our response.

You may wish to raise any ongoing problems or concerns at this time.

If you are not happy with the outcome of the complaint, you should seek your own independent legal advice and exercise any rights available to you at law.

To get in contact with us about your complaint

General enquiries

+61 3 9672 3800

Direct contacts

Feedback welcome
Email Feedback