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Your policy requires that you give LPLC immediate notice of any claim first made against you during the policy period, or any circumstance which might give rise to a claim of which you become aware during the policy period. We encourage early notification as this enables us to take action, or provide advice and guidance, so as to minimise any loss or damage that might occur.


There’s been a lot happening in property taxes so LPLC has produced a Property Taxes Guide (Victoria) to help practitioners get across it.

The guide provides an overview of some of the common property taxes practitioners’ should identify, outlines details of the risks we have seen emerge from recent claims, and provides links to further information.

Download and save the full guide, or view it tax by tax. This is a resource that will be useful for future reference, as an information source for staff in law firms and even as a base for discussion.

LPLC has seen claims against solicitors where client money is transferred internationally to a bank account in the wrong currency. In these instances clients typically look to recover the shortfall arising from the exchange rate spread, along with associated transaction costs, from the practitioner.

Never assume a client's preference. Before transferring funds overseas, always first confirm the currency in which money is to be sent.

Our December LIJ article provides some tips on how to reduce risk when acting in these matters.

Further changes are being made to defamation laws in multiple Australian jurisdictions — including Victoria — especially with respect to online publications.

Practitioners should ensure they're across these 'Stage 2’ reforms to the Model Defamation Provisions, and be aware of the risks involved when acting in defamation matters.

This article identifies some of the key changes and associated risks for defamation practitioners.

Cultivating a risk management culture within a firm is an essential part of effective supervision. This responsibility extends beyond simply implementing policies and procedures—it involves fostering a culture of risk awareness throughout the entire team.

The requirement for a risk focus is even more critical when undertaking work remotely, where physical separation can lead to issues not getting the required attention.

One of the best defences against social engineering and email compromise is training and awareness for all employees at the firm. Regular training helps staff stay informed about the latest cyber fraud tactics, particularly as cybercriminals grow more sophisticated.

Our LPLC article discusses training requirements under the Victorian Legal Services Board's Minimum Cybersecurity Expectations and for those using electronic conveyancing platforms, as well as the benefits of cybersecurity training for all staff.

Firms that implement a Cybersecurity Incident Response Plan are better positioned to mitigate the effects of a cyber-attack and fulfill their responsibility to protect their clients, their practice, and their reputation.

This article covers what such a plan entails, why they're necessary, and some steps towards developing an effective one for your firm.