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Changes to law practice contact information

Please notify LPLC of any of the following changes to your law practice:

  • Change of law practice contact details – address, phone number, email
  • Change of law practice name
  • New Principals joining or departing your law practice

Acquiring or merging a practice

If you are contemplating acquiring another law practice, being acquired by another law practice, or merging with another practice, you can contact LPLC for advice on how claims from the other practice may attract claims loadings and affect your practice’s future premiums.

LPLC will request information from you and make a determination whether it considers a proposed arrangement will be either:

  • an acquisition or merger with another law practice; or
  • the disbandment and closure of a law practice

Closing a practice

LPLC provides free run-off cover for ceased law practices:

  • Sole practitioners who have ceased to engage in legal practice and have surrendered their practising certificate
  • Partnerships and incorporated legal practices which have been disbanded and are not determined by LPLC to be a ‘prior practice’ of a law practice that is continuing to be insured by LPLC or by an approved professional indemnity insurer under the laws of another State or Territory.

For run-off cover to apply, the law practice must have been insured by LPLC immediately prior to ceasing legal practice.

Contact us for more information about practice changes

General enquiries

+61 3 9672 3800

Direct contacts

Kieran McAllister
Email Kieran