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In this webinar Phil Nolan, Risk Manager at LPLC, takes you on a deep dive into the key risk areas of purchaser finance and term contracts.

If you are a lawyer that acts for clients purchasing property, this webinar with a focus on contracts conditional on finance and terms contracts should interest you.

Phil Nolan, Risk Manager at LPLC, takes you on a deep dive into the key risk areas of purchaser finance and term contracts. Phil uses claims case studies and explanations of legislative provisions to illustrate how practitioners can get caught out and how to avoid making the same mistakes.

LPLC regularly see claims where purchaser clients make allegations against their legal practitioner that they breached their duty of care by failing to properly advise them about subject to finance conditions, or of the risks of entering into a term contract.

Without thorough systems in place, and a solid understanding of the law, practitioners can potentially make stressful and costly mistakes. This webinar will help you navigate the risks of acting in purchaser finance and term contact matters.

Presented by: Phil Nolan, Risk Manager, LPLC

Recording date: Wednesday 22 February 2023