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Premium information for barristers.

If you signed the Bar roll before 1 May 2022, the premium is calculated by reference to the gross fee income (exclusive of GST but inclusive of clerk’s commission) for the year ended 30 June 2022.

If you signed the Bar roll after 1 May 2022, your premium is calculated by reference to the estimated gross fee income (exclusive of GST but inclusive of your clerk’s commission) for the year ended 30 June 2024.

Premiums will not be adjusted during the insurance year.

Download and complete a Barrister Insurance Application for the appropriate year and send it to us at [email protected].

Once the application has been processed and the premium payment received, LPLC will issue a Certificate of Insurance.

No, you must take out cover which runs for the same period as your practising certificate. If you intend to practise for less than this period, you can apply for a refund when you surrender your practising certificate.

Yes, a pro rata refund of premium is available by contacting LPLC.

Barristers who have ceased to engage in legal practice and have surrendered their practising certificate will be covered for claims later made against them under LPLC's master policy for run-off liabilities.

To qualify for run-off cover, a barrister must have been insured by LPLC immediately prior to ceasing legal practice.

The run-off policy is provided free of charge and applies automatically without application by a barrister once its qualifying terms are met.

This cover is part of LPLC’s insurance scheme for barristers and is provided through a master policy for run-off liabilities issued annually.

LPLC is the approved insurer for Victorian barristers pursuant to section 13 of the Legal Profession Uniform Law Application Act 2014. LPLC has insured all Victorian barristers since 1 July 2005.

Contact us for more information about barrister premiums

General enquiries

+61 3 9672 3800

Direct contacts

Sharon Mead
Email Sharon