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Paul Zaparas from Zaparas Lawyers - a firm that specialises in personal injury law - joins Chief Risk Manager at LPLC, Heather Hibberd to explore how a good business philosophy, coupled with fine tuned systems and processes, can have a positive impact on risk management without compromising the bottom line.

Are you striving for excellence and looking for ways to continually improve your law practice? Then this episode of More Than Knowing the Law is a Must Listen!

Paul provides insights on how his family’s firm has successfully created a company culture driven by senior team members that particularly values mentoring and good systems and processes.

Paul and Heather discuss:

  • Actively encouraging supervision and mentoring
  • Examples of workflows and processes put in place to mitigate risk
  • Investing in people
  • Barriers to setting up good processes and systems and how to overcome them

See more from Paul at

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