The Legal Profession Uniform Continuing Professional Development (Solicitors) Rules 2015 have been in operation since 1 July 2015. The objective of the Rules is to provide the minimum requirements for continuing professional development for solicitors.
What's on this page?
For an overview of CPD frequently asked questions see our FAQ page.
Plan your CPD
Practitioners are encouraged to keep up to date with their CPD commitments throughout the CPD year. Steady attendance and engagement with CPD will assist practitioners in fulfilling their required CPD points without having a last-minute rush at the end of the CPD year. To do this, it is recommended that practitioners research and plan their yearly CPD activities.
When researching which seminars to attend to comply with the Rules, practitioners should consider the specific skills and knowledge they need to improve, grow and enhance their practices.
LPLC webinars and recordings
LPLC is committed to providing high quality information to assist you in managing the risks associated with being a legal practitioner and operating a law firm. LPLC is primarily focussed on providing risk management seminars, however our seminars can cover any of the four fields set out in Rule 6. CPD obligations. More information about LPLC events and the fields covered are available on our Events and Education page.
Many of the webinars and recordings of face-to-face seminars delivered by the LPLC are available to view at no charge on our recorded webinars page. The recordings are typically 1 or more hours in length.
Useful links
Victorian Legal Services Board + Commissioner (VLSB+C)
Continuing Professional Development Policy